Thursday, April 29, 2010

Three months today!

So sad but very exciting at the same time...Avery turns 3 months old today. I truly cant believe that it has been three months since she came into our lives. Yet Johnny and I could not ask for anything better she has blessed our lives. Avery has found her hands now and can't keep them out of her mouth no matter how much we take them out and put the binkie in. She also has found her voice because she loves to talk to us and is very loud in doing so which is hilarious. Its gotten fun too because when she see us smile she will smile back. Its so cute to watch her and Johnny; he will get her smiling then he will start crackin up because he thinks it funny and she then thinks its funny too. I love it!

Johnny goes back to work this Saturday after having three months off from his knee surgery and I am totally not ready for him to go back. Its been nice for him to be off and help with Avery and she adores him so I know it will be hard on both of them!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My favorite sound

So last night Aves was really tired from going to the tulip festival and being in her car seat as long as she was. When we got home she was incrediably fussy and usually I would get tired myself when I can't calm her down. Yet last night it really hit me as I sat there and stared at her of how lucky I truly am that I have a baby fussy and all. To think of how many people don't even get that chance. I am truly blessed I have her and she is healthy. I look back at the long road and the tiring process it took to get her here but she is here now and I can enjoy that. I now realize that long road was very short and I would do it all over again for her. Life is so fragile and so short that you need to love every little bit of it the good and the bad. Before I had a child my friends with children would talk about unconditional love and now I understand what they mean. I love her more than words will ever describe and that will never change cause I somehow fall more and more in love with her everyday. Last night at her 1 oclock feeding I was changing her and she just sat there looking at me smiling and talking. It brought tears to my eyes cause it truly made me appreciate what I have and that I have an opportunity to be a mom. I just hope I can be the best mother to her ever and give her everything possible. So Avery you can cry as much as you need too baby cause I love being able to hear the sound of your voice, its the best sound in the world!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Preemie Purple Heart

This goes out to Yesenia who recently lost her little one to the fight of being a preemie. He is an angel now watching over her and my thoughts and prayers are with her......

One day a child was born, too early, too small but loved as much as any child could be. As the parents of this child entered this journey they found themselves feeling alone. They had joys of being new parents but the fear of losing their child, the thrill of giving birth, the grief of a lost dream. This was supposed to be a joyous time, not time filled with grief, anger and pain. Little did these parents know they were not alone.

The Preemie Purple Heart is born of an idea borrowed from the US Army, a medal given for being wounded in battle. What bigger battle is there than the battle for life and the wounds of premature birth live on with the infant and family forever. The colour was once reserved for royalty, making it special and gender neutral. The heart is not a solid colour and the stripes in each heart are a little different, just as every child and every journey is a little different, but the basic design is the same just like the basic experience is the same. The heart is made of glass - it is strong but not so strong it could withstand a crushing blow. The premature child is strong but not invincible. It is a heart because the heart is our centre, it's very beat renews life and hope, it symbolizes love. At the bottom of the Preemie Purple Heart is a teardrop, it is symbolic of the tears shed during the journey of a premature family, good and bad, joy and sorrow.

The Preemie Purple Heart is an outward sign of unity among a special group of people. A group that knows no country , language, economic, ethnic or religious bounds. A group with one common goal; hope for the future of premature children. This group includes not only parents and children but also sibling, grandparents, aunts, uncldes, cousins, nurses, doctors, clergy and friends. This group shares a bond beyond words, a bond only the heart knows. The heart can be with you when you feel alone, remind you there are hundreds of others who keep you in their hearts. It can give you a change to share your story.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Avery Jean

I can't believe she can hold up her head already, she is soo strong for as little as she is and she loves to study people it's fun to watch her listen to you talk.

Still my all time favorite picture.... the first time we really caught her smiling on camera

So I kept saying that I would start a blog and started this one shortly after Johnny and I were married but then I just forgot about it. We then had Avery and I told myself again that I needed to get our blog going to keep our friends and family informed. So here I go again starting a blog and if I get off track please call and tell me to update....

So most of you know already but Aves was born on January 29th, 2010 she came 5 weeks early via c section and was soo tiny. She weighed 4 lbs and 2 oz and went down to 3 lbs 13 oz. She stayed one week in the NICU and the only reason they kept her for as long as they did is because she couldn't keep her body temp. She is such a great kid and is growing so fast. Johnny and I have been dealing with her reflux lately and that has been a tiring and long process. My heartbreaks everytime she spits up and crys because it hurts. Johnny took her to the doctor today to make sure she was still gaining weight and she is becoming our little chunk now weighing 8 lbs 9 oz, the dimples on her elbows are sooo cute. We are going to try a new medicine and maybe some new formula (nutramigen). They also gave us this huge wedge to put in her crib for her to sleep on instead of the car seat so I hope this helps. If anyone has any other suggestions please let us know I think we want to do anything that will help her.